Antioch Missionary Baptist Church

Antioch is more than just a meeting place for people wanting to know God better. We are a community of passion-filled worshippers who have confident faith in the Word of God as true and authoritative.

We believe that the gospel of Jesus Christ's love is the only hope for this fallen world. And the

best part is that we are privileged to be used by God to share this faithhope, and love with others.

For more details on what we believe, see our full doctrinal statement here.

Service Times


Sunday School         9:45

Sunday Worship     10:45

Wednesday Night     6:00

FOCUS 2025:
Faith is the Victory

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

- Joshua 1:9 (ESV)

Antioch is the proud sponsor of the Missionary Baptist Seminary, Little Rock.

The Missionary Baptist Seminary, located in Little Rock, Arkansas, was founded by Antioch Baptist Church in September of 1934. Its founders believed, as does the faculty and administration, in teaching and training Christian workers. Its purpose is to train, not only pastors and teachers, but all Christians for the work of Christ in His churches and to bring the gospel to the lost world.